Archive for the ‘people’ tag


The Session: Beer People


“Hey! Wake up and drink!”
Abrupt yelling and shaking
Face to face with Skar


twelve thousand miles
a taste of America
in thirty short days


Date with a six pack
Ten thousand miles from home
Wherever that is

Written by Captain Hops.

the Session: Beer People

References: This post is part of The Session. The Session is a monthly beer-themed group writing project for bloggers. This month’s theme is Beer People and it is hosted by Stonch.

I think these three snapshots of my friends, brothers, and drinking buddies stand on their own.


Check out the ongoing round-up of Beer People posts and the final round up at Stonch’s Beer Blog.

Thing of the Day: Ultimate Beer

Tags: Beer, Haiku, The Session, , , , , , , ,

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