
Inspired by a Frog 6

A dark old tavern
enjoying a fine ale - splash!
where’d that frog come from?
Contributed by Captain Hops.

References: This is the last in a series of Beer Haiku inspired by One Hundred Frogs by Hiroaki Sato. I recommend picking it up at your local library or used book store if you can find it because the ones on Amazone seem rather pricey to me. The book is a collection of English translations, inspirations, and parodies of one of the most famous haiku from one of the most famous haiku masters, Matsuo Basho (1644-1694). I will be going back to my regularly scheduled haiku tomorrow unless I think of more.

I am still taking haiku contributions, so keep sending them in. I always like haiku about specific beer so keep them coming, but I am also interested in getting some contributions about where you drink beer. Sum up your favorite dive bar, brew pub, pool hall or anyplace you quaff a fine brew in the requisite 17 syllables and send them in. If there is a web page for your fine establishment send that too. Cheers!

Technorati Tags: beer, haiku, Basho

Tags: Haiku

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