
Things Are Looking Up

Feeling kind of blue
I ordered my first beer. Now…
Things are looking up

Written by Captain Hops.

Creative Commons License photo credit: josef.stuefer

References: Leffe
Thing of the Day: Brew Like a Monk: Trappist, Abbey, and Strong Belgian Ales and How to Brew Them

Tags: Beer, Haiku, , , ,

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2 Comments on “Things Are Looking Up”

  • #1  She’s the One | Crossfit Watertown, Oakville, CT

    [...] Finally, Jill takes off next week for an entire month down South, so there’s a field trip to Ordinary Joe’s for libations after tonight’s 5pm class. And, of course, we must offer a Beer Haiku. [...]

  • #2  Girl Likes Beer

    Leffe is an interesting beer. I will review it this or next week.

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